OPM Team
Get the best affiliate program management team at an ultra-competitive fixed monthly cost. We will assist you with prelaunch, proactively manage your affiliates, and take care of all technicalities. Our mission is to help businesses like yours grow with affiliate partnerships.


Our resourceful team will take care of all of your affiliate program management needs — no matter the size of your brand. We will integrate your website or app with a tracking platform, create legal documents to support your program, and build a workflow for affiliate discovery, recruitment, onboarding, and activation. We also provide you with weekly progress and performance reports and grow your program with affiliate partnerships.
Proper management and leadership maximize a program’s effectiveness.
Launching an affiliate program is not the end of the game. Managing it and leading the partners, creating content, and analyzing the data are the activities that unlock your program’s true potential. As long as your product or service stays outstanding, the most important thing is keeping your partners engaged and happy. Often, that means that your affiliate program is a product on its own. Our job is to make this product stand out just as much as your product or service does.

Why do I need an affiliate marketing agency to lead my program?

Outsourcing is the key. You outsource your marketing because affiliates provide more value. Why not outsource the management to get even better value?
  • A second pair of eyes
    An affiliate marketing consultant can find holes in the program you didn't know existed.
  • Affiliate manager training
    Learn tips and tricks that only experience can provide.
  • Strategy & peace of mind
    Hiring an affiliate marketing consultant can help you develop a gameplan for the future of the program and avoid disastrous pitfalls.
  • Product catalog management
    This feature offers technically advanced services that are too expensive to master in-house.
  • Network agnostic & focused on you
    We focus on your brand and have your best interests in mind. You don't have to compete for the attention of your affiliate network managers who have hundreds of clients to deal with. We can switch networks or launch new ones — whatever is required for your affiliate program to grow.

Focusing on affiliate program growth and partner motivation, we implement a unique and tailored partnerships strategy for every brand we manage. Our exceptional technical, communication, and professional skills have been confirmed: We are Top-Rated on Upwork, which means that we are trusted and have long-term relationships with our clients. Check out our Upwork profile and see for yourself!

Upwork Top Rated
The Top Rated list highlights professionals who have built a strong reputation on Upwork by getting positive feedback from their clients, time after time. They represent the top 10% of talent on Upwork.

OPM hero-stack to help your affiliate program strive

Our experience, passion, and drive for affiliate marketing will make your program stand out from the competition.
  • Alexandra Nassilova
    Customer Success, Partner & Content Creator Relations
    Alexandra nurtures partners and makes them feel unique and thought about. Oversees the affiliate strategy implementation and KPIs dynamics. Keeps track of client's needs and ensures the rapport is there.
  • Alexander Polyakov
    Affiliate Programm Strategy, Super-affiliate Relations, Growth & Technology
    Alexander has over 14 years of affiliate marketing experience, including ad tracking, program management, and strategy. Alex paves the road to programs' long-term sucess
  • Alexey Merkushenkov
    Super-affiliate Relations & Partner Recruitment
    Alexey's connections to top affiliates in various niches ensure the program's rapid growth and stable performance. He's the one who opens the doors to high-profile partnerships.
  • George Shartner
    Partner Recruitment & Optimization, Reporting
    George has a proven track record of large-scale successful partner outreach campaigns. Boasts extremely high affiliate activation rates thanks to his vast SEO and technical experience.
14+ years of affiliate marketing experience
Our team has experience building products, managing programs, tracking and even arranging events for affiliates.
27 global affiliate networks we support
We are familiar with the major general purpose and niche affiliate networks to boost your program right from the start.
5 hour average affiliate email support response time
Affiliate love the programs we manage as our prompt replies keep them motivated and make them feel valued.
Over 2 000 000 affiliates we connect you to right away
We constantly grow our database and will quickly select the most relevant affiliates to promote your brand.

FREE 15-minute exploration call

Ready to launch or scale your affiliate program?
Let's discuss this on a free 15-minute call.

Prices for Affiliate Program Management

Convenient monthly plans to sky-rocket your affiliate program. Pay 6 months upfront and enjoy a 10% discount. In addition, we offer a 20% discount on all yearly contracts.
  • Up to 50 active affiliates managed
  • 25 affiliates outreached monthly (KPI)
  • 48-h affiliate support response time (KPI)
  • Up to 500 active affiliates managed
  • 100 affiliates outreached monthly (KPI)
  • 24-h affiliate support response time (KPI)
  • Over 1000 active affiliates managed
  • 250 affiliates outreached monthly (KPI)
  • Same business day affiliate support response time (KPI)
Get in touch

All Affiliate Program Management plans include

  • Active affiliates managed
    Every program has active and dormant affiliates. When we manage your program, we only count active affiliates — those who have sent clicks during the month — as a measure of the program's scale and our KPI. We also work on re-engaging dormant affiliates.
  • Affiliate support response time
    For all enabled support channels, including email, Skype, telegram, or on-the-network messengers, we will reply to queries within an agreed upon timeframe. Support performance, quality, and speed are several of our KPIs that show how happy your partners are.
  • Affiliates outreached
    Every month, we reach out to new affiliates to grow your program. We look for the most relevant ones, find their contact details, investigate brands they’re already working with, discover the most appropriate and notable placements to promote your brand, and develop catchy intro emails. This KPI indicates how many prospects will be contacted during the month.
  • Conversion reconciliation with an affiliate network
    Not every order you receive will be completed, and not every lead you get will become a client. We make sure that the conversion statuses are synced with an affiliate network so that you are not paying extra. Add more networks to the mix, and more challenges arise, including duplicate conversions, attribution issues, etc. Worry not; we'll take care of these complexities.
  • Tracking integration with an affiliate network & health monitoring
    Our in-house developers and technical support will help integrate your storefront, app, or lead form with an affiliate network or SaaS. Coupon tracking, product feeds, you name it! We will constantly monitor its operation while we’re taking care of your program.
  • Affiliate email support
    An email inbox is not good enough. We will set up a proper email ticket system to keep communication with your affiliates efficient and transparent. Together with predictable response times, meaningful replies, and transparency, your program will be professional and trustworthy.
  • Affiliate on-the-network support
    If your program runs on a network, we will monitor and take care of all affiliate-related communication in accordance with the SLA (Service Level Agreement) associated with the plan of your choice.
  • Custom affiliate program terms & signup website page
    Our team will create a page for your website so that you can turn your existing customers into affiliates and capture the searches of people looking for your affiliate program on the web.
  • Affiliate program join requests screening
    Not all affiliates are made equal. Our screening technology gives us insights into the promotional potential of every partner joining your program so that we can make sure that we pay extra attention to the most promising ones and filter out those that are potentially fraudulent.
  • Conversion anti-fraud audit & monitoring
    Money and opportunity attract fraud. We know how to identify it quickly and prevent it in the future. With our anti-fraud check-ups, your program will stay healthy and your most value-generating affiliates will not suffer because of fraudulent activity.
By signing up for one of our affiliate program management plans you are getting access to 3rd party SEO, competitive intelligence, and research tools worth over $1200/mo, as well as a team of professionals who know how to use them to grow your affiliate channel.

Prices for add-ons

With our easy add-ons, you can upgrade your plan with more features and tailor it to your requirements.
Extra Outreach Package
This single-use addition is available for any of our Affiliate Program Management plans, designed for those looking to expand their outreach efforts, particularly during the initial stages.

— Obtain contact information while ensuring GDPR compliance.
— Contact prospective partners and suggest collaboration opportunities.
— Monitor progress and encourage them to activate.
Per 100 leads
When you’re scaling and want your brand's affiliate program to look more personal and unique, consider going white-label.

— All incoming and outgoing email communication goes through your domain email address: e.g., person@brand.com for outreach and affiliates@brand.com for support.
— If the Affiliate Skype support add-on is purchased, we will use a dedicated branded Skype account.
— If the Affiliate Telegram support add-on is activated, we will use a dedicated branded Telegram account.
— Emails, support, and outreach templates will be branded and look like they are coming from your brand's in-house team.

Per month
Payouts Management
If your program runs on an affiliate network, you are already in good hands. The network will invoice you and take care of affiliate payouts. In the case of a SaaS-based indie program, we'll help you select and manage the perfect mass payout solution and provide advice on legal aspects.

— Prepare and validate a list of payouts on a monthly basis.
— Coordinate with your accounting department.
— Make sure affiliates provide TAX info and other information required by the law.
Per month
Advanced Technical Affiliate Support
This is really advanced and supertechnical. If you are just starting your program, it is unlikely that you need this add-on.

— Assist affiliates with tracking software / SaaS installation and setup.
— Help integrate product and coupon feed.
— Advise on hosting, hardware, and software decisions that suit affiliates' needs.
Per month
Same-Business-Day Affiliate Support
Affiliates in some dynamic and traffic-intensive niches require immediate support. This is especially true for arbitrage and media buying. Whether its a market requirement or you just want to give your affiliate a bit of special treatment, this add-on ensures the promptest response.

— Same-business-day email, Skype*, and Telegram* support response.
— Monthly support performance report.

(*) If Affiliate Skype and Telegram Support add-ons are activated.
Per month
Additional Affiliate Network or SaaS
When you’re just starting your brand's affiliate program, it's wise to focus on just one platform. With our Prelaunch plan, we’ll help you pick the best network that the majority of your niche's affiliates have already joined. When you scale or decide to expand to other countries, joining another network might be a wise choice.
Per month
Affiliate Skype Support
Skype is still one of the most popular messengers in the affiliate industry. Providing affiliates with an easy way to get in touch is another way to stand out from the competition.
Per month
Affiliate Telegram Support
Telegram is a super secure messenger that's gaining popularity in the US and Canada. Many affiliates are switching from Skype to Telegram because of its convenience and diverse affiliate marketing-related channels. Keeping everything in one messenger is handy!
Per month
Shared Tracking SaaS Platform
Call this our in-house affiliate network. We will run your program as a dedicated offer on our network. This is the quickest way for you to start thanks to smooth integration and many features you can only find on professional affiliate SaaS platforms, e.g. coupons, data feeds, custom tracking domains support, etc.
Per month


Still not convinced? Read the Upwork verified reviews from real clients that you can trust. We always aim for nothing below 100% customer satisfaction.
100% client satisfaction & project success score
We are bringing value and our clients pick us among the rest. Year after year, proven by Upwork reviews.
  • Tom
    Great working with Alexander. Very knowledgeable, attentive, and quick to respond to deadlines. Hope to resume the contract in the future!
  • Tony Pierroni
    Owner of Pierroni Inc.
    Alexander has been an absolute pleasure to work with, I've grown both professionally and personally in our time together. Alex is sure to be an asset on whatever project or team you're currently working on. I'm looking forward to working again with him in the future.
  • Jordan
    Head of Traffic at Bitbuy
    Alex did a great job and made sure our team knew how to get the job done!